中国石化新闻网讯 据路透社4月24日报道,因对利率上升、全球经济和燃料需求前景的担忧超过了欧佩克+减产导致供应紧张的预期担忧,周一油价下跌。
CMC Markets分析师Tina Teng表示,疲软的美国经济数据和科技行业令人失望的企业盈利数据引发了投资者对经济增长的担忧和风险规避,此外,美元企稳和债券收益率攀升也给大宗商品市场带来压力。
JTD能源服务总监John Driscoll表示,“我认为,最近的经济数据喜忧参半,央行持续干预是最近价格调整的主要驱动因素。不过,许多人会认为这是一个逢低买入的机会”。
王佳晶 摘译自 路透社
Oil prices slide on uncertainty over global economic outlook, rate hikes
Oil prices fell on Monday as concerns about rising interest rates, the global economy and the outlook for fuel demand outweighed support from the prospect of tighter supplies on OPEC+ supply cuts, Trend reports with reference to Reuters.
Brent crude slipped 75 cents, or 0.92%, to $80.91 a barrel by 0409 GMT, while U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude was at $77.13 a barrel, down 74 cents, 0.95% lower.
Both contracts fell more than 5% last week, their first weekly drop in five, as U.S. implied gasoline demand fell from a year ago, fuelling worries of a recession at the world"s top oil consumer.
Weak U.S. economic data and disappointing corporate earnings from the tech sector sparked growth concerns and risk aversion among investors, CMC Markets analyst Tina Teng said. The stabilising U.S. dollar and climbing bond yields are also pressurising commodity markets, she added.
Central banks from the United States to Britain and Europe are all expected to raise interest rates when they meet in the first week of May, seeking to tackle stubbornly high inflation.
"I would cite recent mixed economic data and continued central bank intervention as the primary drivers behind the recent price correction," said John Driscoll, director of JTD Energy Services. However, many may view this as a dip-buying opportunity, he said.
Still, refining margins in Asia have weakened on record production from top refiners of India, curbing the region"s appetite for Middle East supplies loading in June.
Nevertheless, analysts and traders remained bullish about fuel demand recovery towards the second half of 2023 and as additional supply cuts planned by OPEC+ - the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allied producers- from May could tighten markets.
The oil demand recovery is expected to more than offset the slowdown in OECD demand in the near term, while sanctions and supply constraints add upside risk to prices, analysts at the National Australia Bank said, adding that Brent could rise to $92 a barrel by the end of the second quarter.
(责任编辑:黄振 审核:蒋文娟 )标签:
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